My Journey

Following Jesus through doubts and questions to a more beautiful story

What’s the point of all this?

As I reflect on this story about my own journey of faith, I want to share why I’m doing this right here at the outset. I believe this journey I’ve been on is good, and I wish for others to discover it for themselves. However, I recognize the audience I’m hoping to reach is a specific set of people. 

So let me be clear. If you are an evangelical Christian who is finding deep meaning and joy in your life of faith, and you do not wrestle with questions about what you encounter in the Bible and in the beliefs and practices of your church, it is not my aim or my desire to convince you to change your mind.

I’ve written my story for people who are eyeing the exit door of Christianity.

  • If you have difficulty accepting the Bible as literal truth in everything it touches, if you struggle with balancing scientific progress with ancient understandings of the world and cosmos found in the Bible - you are my audience.

  • If you struggle describing a God who would condemn people to conscious eternal suffering as “good” and “just” - you are my audience.

  • If the questions that run around in your head as you read scripture and hear sermons explaining it are growing bigger not smaller with time - you are my audience.

  • If you find the life and teaching of Jesus much more expansive, inclusive, and beautiful than anything you have experienced in your faith journey thus far - you are my audience.

My hope is to help you who are teetering on the edge of the faith you have always held. I want you to feel the freedom of letting go of unhelpful aspects of your faith while grasping onto more beautiful aspects. I want you to find freedom, new joy, and new wonder in the goodness of God. 

I grew up immersed in a beautiful story of faith. I am so grateful for the loving people who have guided me along my spiritual path. But as you read I invite you into the decades-long journey of my progression toward a more beautiful story. As you read or listen may you be encouraged in your own journey of faith. May you discover God is more loving, more good, more powerful, more amazing than you’ve ever understood or experienced before.


Part 7 - Discovering Brian MacLaren
Nathan Jew Nathan Jew

Part 7 - Discovering Brian MacLaren

In this book, MacLaren tells his own story through the fictional character “Dan” who is an evangelical pastor who finds himself questioning the framework of the faith he inherited and teaches others week after week. In the first chapter “Dan” tells his wife after 17 years in the ministry he’s not sure he can do it much longer. This is because his experiences as a pastor interacting with those inside the church and skeptics he is trying to reach usually leads him to think the skeptics might be right to question what he’s always considered essential to his faith.

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Thoughts on random ideas connecting to the spiritual life.


My favorite books, podcasts, and sermons.