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I’ve noticed something recently. I’m sure it has to do with the people I follow on Facebook, which includes many “deconstructing” former evangelical Christians. These people sure seem angsty and defensive a lot of the time. So much energy going into providing logical, rational, sharp arguments for why traditional views of scripture need to be abandoned. So many people arguing day after day on long comment threads about the right way to use and interpret words found in the Bible. So. Much. Conflict.

My desire here is to be different. That’s why this whole endeavor is called “A More Beautiful Story”.

I’m not really interested in trying to convince you to change your mind. I’m really not interested in lining up Bible verses to disprove the views of people who have a more traditional interpretation of Bible verses than I do. What I’m really interested in doing is sharing the joy and love and new life that I’ve found since allowing myself to freely go where my heart is leading me.

I’m convinced that whatever you focus your attention on will grow. I’m learning if I spend time arguing with others about the validity of my beliefs, I will find myself arguing more tomorrow, and more the day after that. On the other hand, if I spend time noticing beauty, and letting joy in simple things bring a smile to my face, and writing down things I’m grateful for several times a week, I’ll find beauty, joy, and gratefulness springing up in the least likely of places.

And this is a more beautiful story.

So if you’ve found your way to this site, and you’re trying to figure out if its all going to be OK if you actually admit to yourself that your beliefs about spiritual things are evolving, hear this. Yes. It’s going to be OK. In fact, if my experience is any indication, you may find yourself experiencing more joy, more love, and more beauty than you ever have before. And when you start experiencing all that goodness, you’ll be much more ready to share it with others.

So, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Whether you agree with my points of view or whether you find them dangerous or heretical, I wish you a growing awareness of love, joy, beauty and deep-down-gratefulness for the miracle that is the present.

May you take one more step into a more beautiful story today, and this holiday season.

(Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay)