My hope
When our family was fractured
Splattered on the sidewalk into disparate pieces
And I didn’t know how to put it back together
And I wasn’t sure if it was ever going to happen
Because I didn’t know how to do it
And I wasn’t sure if God could be trusted to actually do it
There was one unshakeable idea
God could do it
God could help our family get stitched back together
I had no expectation that it would happen quickly
No thought that some miracle would take place overnight
I had no expectation, honestly, that God would fix our family
But I believed that God could
Change was possible
Things would not necessarily stay broken forever
God could help stitch our family back together
I latched my hope onto that singular idea
God could
If God decided to
And now years later
I can see the steps toward healing that came in surprising ways
I can see new growth
Where once destruction and pain crowded
No amazing miracle
No instant change
But little steps
Tiny openings
Where life
And love
Made a new start
So maybe if you have lost your hope that God will save the day
You can hold onto hope that God could do it
Change is possible, even if unlikely
And maybe that will be enough for today
Or tomorrow
And maybe after many todays and tomorrows
You will see new life too
This is my hope
(Image by Polette 2 at Pixabay.)